

  • UberBot - new project structure allows users to have many NLUs and many Flows within one project. Users can pass conversations between flows using the block “Transfer to flow”. Every Flow has a default NLU.
  • Preview mode - Flow contexts are openning in preview mode. User needs to explicite click on edit button to change something in this context. This feature should reduce the number of accidental changes in Flow.
  • Expression language in knowledge base items - now you can use our expression language inside knowledge base item. E.g. you can get value from another knowledge base item.
  • Silent fallback - in Say with Fallback node, chatbot designer can create separate fallback for situation when the bot user doesn't say anything (we recognize it as blank message). It works the same way as standard fallback response.
  • Notes on Flow diagram - we've added new block "Note". You can use it to put some notes on the Flow diagram.



  • Phrase import validation - chatbot deisngers now get specific information about errors before the system imports phrases
  • Add spinner to the saving action in the "Edit intent" form
  • Reset fallback counter when the bot goes through any block output - it was a problem with fallback nodes, when bot visited the same block many times
  • Apply icon fonts to all modules
  • Confirmation dialog when leaving block setting


  • Fixed file import in Training Analytics
  • Fixed NLU cross validation feature