over 3 years ago by Tomasz Tomaszewski
Welcome to another SentiOne Automate Weekly Update π€. 1.07 we released a new version of Automate app. We have 2 new features and improvements for you! These are the fresh updates from our product team:
1) Adjust Expression Language to multi-intents: new possibilities in our expression language for handling multi intents cases:
- nlu.intentScore contains the score of main intent that has been recognized
- nlu.intents contains object where intent names are keys and their scores are values, e.g. { lokata: 1, przelew: 0.1 }
- nlu.intentsList contains array of objects, that contain name and score properties, e.g. [{name: "lokata", score: 1}, {name: "przelew", score: 0.1}]
- nlu.hasIntent("intentName") returns true if intent of given name has been recognized
- several new array methods like add, concat, find, contains.
- Full Expression language documentation
2) Report about unused Knowledge Base Items - special CSV report with knowledge base items that have not referenced in BlantScript in all UberBots on the current company
- Support for online license keys
- Can't save Integration block without value field
- Can't cancel out of knowledge base record edit field