v173 Test suits improvements ๐ŸŒŸ

Welcome to another SentiOne Automate biweekly update. Today, 2 August 2021, another Automate version was released. This one is quite unusual, as we had to move our regular Thursday deploy to Monday.

Take a look at what we've prepared for you this time:

๐Ÿค– Generate test case based on chat tester conversation

WOW ๐Ÿ”ฅ Now users can generate and download TXT file with test case from the last chat tester conversation. Thanks to that, you can quickly create the correct text case for your bot!


๐ŸŽจ Improved workflow in Test Suits module

We've changed the Test Suits list behavior - most common actions are easier available for user. We hope it will improve your workflow and will be more intuitive. If you want to:

  • Open list of test cases - click on test suite name
  • Open test suit last run result - click on red/green dot
  • Open full test suit run history - open Test suit history from test suit menu

๐Ÿงช Case-insensitive assertion mode in test cases

By default, all assertions in the test case are case-sensitive. If you want to disable this, you can use aA off. This command is valid from this point onwards unless it is turned on again by aA on. By default assertions are case-senstive.

// Use case-insensitive assertion
aA off
> Hi! What`s your name?
< john
// Use case-insensitive assertion
aA on
> What?
< John

๐Ÿท Tags summary in conversation analytics

In the thread header, the user can see the analytical tags summary.


What tags are shown could be set in the environment config in display-on-details parameter:

conversation-analytics {
    custom-label-types: [
        prefix: "t:Topic_"
        name: "Topic"
        type: "System"
        display-on-details: true

๐Ÿ’ญ More changes


  • Response text field height is to small
  • Handle error response on test suite run request
  • Correct ENG copy in PL chat tester
  • Search, sort and paginate Test suits and Test case list
  • [TECH] Add ID of nlu model that was used to dialog manager's response


  • Pasting blocks was possible in preview mode
  • Project list is not refreshed after project import
  • The status of tests change after a few seconds
  • Incorrectly sorted date in the projects tab
  • It's possible to create faulty KB item key without any letters or numbers
  • User can add new records to knowledge base with non-unique key