v176 NLU Training status enhancement ✨

Welcome to another SentiOne Automate biweekly update. 9 September 2021 another Automate version was released.

Take a look at what we've prepared for you this time:

ℹ️ NLU Training status enhancement

Users now can see if the NLU training is really In progress or is waiting in queue. There is also a list of current active trainings and information about training position in queue.


✨ Phrase author and creation date on NLU lists

Now users can see who and when creates phrase / intent /entity in NLU module.


🎨 Redesigned debug mode + bot memory

We've redesigned debug mode in the chat tester. The debug information is organized and category details are hidden. We've also added information about used bot memory!


💭 More changes


  • Dynamic page titles - now you can see the current module/project/page within the browser tab
  • White characters are removed from the beginning and end of input fields
  • Added information about Automate platform version in left sidebar


  • Can't enter NLU if clicked on blank space on NLU list