v229 Licensing and billing changes + intent labels ๐Ÿ’ก

SentiOne Automate version 229 was released on 19.10.2023. In this release we have focused on changes in license/feature management and added ability to label intent to improve collaboration with other team mates.

Labelling intents

To enable categorization of intentions and facilitate group work, we have added adding the possibility of assigning labels. Each intent can have zero or more labels. Labels can be created as needed (on-site) to reduce administrative overhead. When assigning labels, the system suggests which labels have already been used to make the selection easier. There is a special view for managing (including deleting and renaming) labels.

License options

System admins can now manage features available for each organisation:

  • LLM Chatbots support (ability to connect to streaming APIs and OpenAI servers)
  • AI support in bot design (generating intent phrases, generating bot replies alternatives, generating keyword entity synonyms)
  • Access to all NLU languages (when disabled only Polish NLU language is available)


  • [Billing] You can download summary of conversation and sum up consumption of seconds (available only on environments where SentiOne Voice Gateway is available)
  • [Flows] Automatic generation of block names using AI


  • [Organizations] Not possible to add new company with filled only required fields

Please follow changelog for exiting new features! ๐Ÿ‘‹