v234 Project dashobards and webchat as channel connector πŸ“Š

β€œyou just can't differentiate between a robot and the very best of humans.” - Isaac Asimov, I, Robot πŸ€–
SentiOne Automate version 234 was released on 18.01.2024. In this release we have added new functionality of projects summary and configuring webchat directly in Channels module

Project dashboards

We have added new panel to monitor activity and performance of your bot projects. Dashboard is available company wide or for singular projects.

Moreover, on project and channels list you can see when was last interaction.

Configure webchat channel directly though UI

Webchat was integrated in Channels module. This way you can configure webchat look and feel as well as project assignment directly in Automate admin panel. No need to change HTML pages any more every time you need to customize webchat widget.


  • [Security] Secure storage of secrets modified through UI
  • [NLU] NLU training progress and ability to stop it.
  • [Webchat] Ability to start conversation automatically in the background
  • [Analytics] Errors caught by error handling context are also visible in Analytics > Errors tab


  • [Security] Updates in multiple dependencies
  • [Security] Dynamic messages for matching password constraints

PS. Version 233 was not released on production due to X-mas season.

Please follow changelog for exiting new features! πŸ‘‹