v174 Intent Score 🔢

Welcome to SentiOne Automate biweekly update. Last Thursday (12 August 2021), another Automate version was released.

v173 Test suits improvements 🌟

Welcome to another SentiOne Automate biweekly update. Today, 2 August 2021, another Automate version was released. This one is quite unusual, as we had to move our regular Thursday deploy to Monday.

v172: Error handling context

Welcome to another SentiOne Automate Update 🤖. 15.07 we released a new version of Automate app. We have new features and improvements for you 🤤! These are the fresh updates from our product team:


Welcome to another SentiOne Automate Weekly Update 🤖. 8.07 we released a new version of Automate app. We have a lot of new features and improvements for you! These are the fresh updates from our product team:


Welcome to another SentiOne Automate Weekly Update 🤖. 1.07 we released a new version of Automate app. We have 2 new features and improvements for you! These are the fresh updates from our product team:


Welcome to another SentiOne Automate Weekly Update 🤖. 24.06 we released a new version of Automate app. These are the fresh updates from our product team:
