For different deployments to interact with VoiceGateway bot designers can define commands that can interact with intermediate software and voice gateways


Command section is available for every block and uses the key-value paradigm.

Command params can be of different simple types eg. "lorem ipsum", 1, true, false, ["item1", "item2"] or complex JSON values. In most cases command affect only single step where they are defined.


Due to the fact that on different deployments that use different channels, voice gateways as well as different providers of ASR and TTS software

Text channels (SentiOne Webchat, Messenger, LiveChat etc.)

Command nameDescriptionPossible values
BlockingOperationIndicate that in the next turn there will be a long running intergration call and user needs to be informed that their request is being processed.

Description of this functionality in webchat is available here

SentiOne VoiceGateway

Such configuration in defined on default SaaS environment available at

Command nameDescriptionPossible values
recognizeModelModel to be used by Techmo ASR in given block to detect specific user input. Usage of this command is recommended for cases where you want to minimize ASR error rate and you ask end user for specific information like surname, location, numbers etc."spelling", "name", "address"
AllowUsersToInterruptBotSpeakingEnable/disable ASR listening to user utterances while bot is speaking. This allows users to interrupt bot when it is speaking and move to the next block.

This feature is also called TTS barge-in
true, false
AddSIPHeaderAppend custom content to SIP headers. Use JSON array of objects syntax to define header names and values.[{
“headerName”: “X-GEN-SIPREC”
“value”: “sdsad
BlockingOperationIndicate that in the next block there will be a long running intergration call and user needs to be informed that their request is being processed

Description of this functionality is available here
“repeatMessage”: {“message”: “We are processing you request, please wait”, “sleepMillis”: 5000 }
TTSSynthesisTimeoutSpecifies the maximum duration of current text-to-speech synthesistime value [ms]
ASRSilenceTimeoutSpecifies silence duration after which the end of the user statement will be determined.time value [ms]
ASRTotalSpeechLengthSpecifies maximum duration of speechtime value [ms]
RedirectSpecifies the number to which the call will be redirectedString value
DisconnectEnds the phone call


Command nameDescriptionPossible values
recognizeModelModel to be used by Techmo ASR in given block to detect specific user input. Usage of this command is recommended for cases where you want to minimize ASR error rate and you ask end user for specific information like surname, location, numbers etc."spelling", "name", "address"
silentTimeoutMaximum number of seconds to wait for user utterance.0..999
recognizeTimeoutNumber of seconds of silence after user finishes speaking to consider it as finished utterance.0..999
PauseRecordingControl recording of audio and use header X-Auth-Mode that disables logging and storing of user utterance.false_before - resume recording before playing the TTS message, the next bot call will be without the X-Auth-Mode parameter
false_after - resume recording after playing the TTS message, the next bot call will be without the X-Auth-Mode parameter
true_before - stop recording before playing the TTS message, subsequent calls to the bot will be with the "X-Auth-Mode" parameter: "true" until the false_before / false_after command arrives
true_after - stop recording after playing the TTS message, subsequent calls to the bot will be with the "X-Auth-Mode" parameter: "true" until the false_before / false_after command arrives


Command nameDescriptionPossible values
SetLiveChatCustomVariablesUsed to set session fields on LiveChat customer.
JSON object with key-value pairs,
where value is either string or number
{"name": "tester", "id": 10}