Configuration repository
Document version: 246. Automatically generated.
Automate platform is highly customizable system which is designed to run in Kubernetes cluster.
This implies there are lot of configuration keys that can be fine-tuned to meet expectation of specfic deployment.
In order to ease that process SentiOne provides private GIT repository which can be used to keep all deployment-specific data (secrets, settings etc.)
Configuration repository is private
No other customer or entity (apart from SentiOne) will have access to the repository.
- Access to GIT repository repo-ext has been granted
Dedicated configuration repository
By default the repository is hosted in private GIT repository maintained by SentiOne. It may however be hosted in Customer-provided GIT repository upon request.
Access to configuration files makes SentiOne's support easier
Please bear in mind that if SentiOne does not have access to configuration repository - then our support capabilities will be limited.
Cloning dedicated configuration repository
Dedicated configuration repository has to be cloned to local filesystem prior Automate installation
SentiOne should provide dedicated repository URL as well as GIT credentials.
Once you know the URL you can use following command to obtain it
$ git clone
Cloning into 'automate-config'...
Username for '': GIT_PASSWORD
Password for '': GIT_PASSWORD
Configuration repository usage
More details on how to use the configuration repository can be found in file.
Latest configuration repository template
All configuration repositories dedicated for individual customers are based on publicly available configuration template which may evolve over time. At all times customers can fetch latest template from out shared GIT repository.
Cloning template repository
Access to private GIT repository has to granted first
SentiOne provides dedicated GIT credentials to repository
$ git clone
Cloning into 'automate-config-template'...
Username for '': GIT_PASSWORD
Password for '': GIT_PASSWORD
Updated 28 days ago