General description
Webchat is a small application allowing communication between users of the website and our bots
Similar to Intercom, webchat will be added to the client page, and be displayed in the right bottom corner, ready to use.
There Is a separate section about the usage of WebChat, starting from What is webchat?
Default port: 5760
Application has got public HTTP API which is not secured.
There are default endpoints for monitoring purposes. They are described in Components monitoring section.
This service communicates with the following services:
Application | Config to URL | Auth |
bot-integration | chatbots.senti-one-api.url | OTP |
gateway-api | chatbots.gateway-api.url | none |
hooks-server | chatbots.web-chat.hooks.hooks-receivers.url | OTP |
thread-coordinator | chatbots.thread-coordinator-api.url | none |
Application's config:
chatbots.web-chat {
legacy-demo-enabled: true # enables or disables demo page for web chat.
# SQL connection details
db {
url: "jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/chatbots-web-chat",
user: "postgres",
password: "root"
max-connections: 20
session {
# After this duration of user inactivity, the session will be marked as expired
max-inactivity: 55m
# After this duration of user inactivity, the session will be permanently removed from the database
delete-after: 24h
hooks {
hooks-request-timeout: 30s
hooks-messages-max-age: 24h
hooks-receivers: [
url: "https://REACT_HOOKS_SERVER_PUBLIC_URL/webchat"
otp-secret: "PUT_SECRET_HERE"
Other required configurations:
# Other APIs URLs
chatbots.gateway-api.url: "http://host:port"
# Bot Integration configuration
chatbots.senti-one-api {
url: "<http://bot-integration:9010">, # actual address for bot-integration service
secret: "KNSWG4TFORIGC43T" # same secret as defined in bot-integration service
# Redis configuration
chatbots.concurrency {
redis {
host: "redis"
port: 6379
# Required to properly work with web-chat channel. If it's not set the web-chat won't be displayed as an available channel
chatbots.admin.web-chat-demo-url: "http://host:port"
Play Framework config
More information about Play Framework could be found in Play Framework configuration section
Job execution
Nothing yet.
Updated 10 months ago