
Text to speech (TTS) integration

Text-to-speech client. It enables data exchange with the TTS service by sending text values to it and receiving the generated audio stream. Access to the TTS website is provided using MRCP technology.


voice.gateway.crocotta {
  services: [
      technology = "mrcp"
      tts-synthesis-timeout = 20s
      synthesis-caching {
        type = MEMORY
        memory {
          synthesis-expiration-duration = 5m
          max-size-of-cache = 10000

      mrcp {
        tts-consumer-mrcp {
          network {
            interface: ens224
            port: 5072
          executor.scheduler.capacity = 50
          pbx.sound {
            rtp {
              port {
                min: 31100
                max: 32100
              jitter: 5
            clock.rate: 8000
          sip.port.protocol {
            receive: [udp]
            send: udp
          sip.nat {
            stunEnabled: false
            stunServerAddress: ""
            stunServerPort: 3478
            stunConnectionTimeout: 1s
        engine {
          host =
          port = 5060
          name = "techmo-pl"

  api {
    base-url = ""
    api-key: "xxx"

  service-availability {
    ping-interval = 10d
    failure-limit = 10
    failure-time-window = 5m

  database {
    username = "vg-admin"
    password = ${DB_PASS}
    url = "jdbc:postgresql://"
    driver = org.postgresql.Driver
    show-sql = false
    persistence = "postgres_pu"
    schema = "crocotta"
    liquibase.enabled: false
    db-properties {
      hibernate.generate_statistics = true
      hibernate.jmx.enabled = true
      hibernate.hikari.registerMbeans = true
      hibernate.hikari.poolName = crocottaHikariCP

Field description

  • mrcp - configuration of network and technological parameters for access to the TTS service
  • database - connection parameters to the Postgresql database
  • service-availability - configuration for checking the availability of the TTS service
  • api - configuration of access to the REST API for the website

The component stores temporary and configuration data in the Redis database and requires an instance of such a database to function properly.