Message with website

Notify user about some important event


The EmbedWebsite command enables the display of an external webpage in an iframe within the web chat interface. This feature is useful for showcasing additional content or integrations directly in the chat.

Command Parameters

The EmbedWebsite command accepts the following parameters:

interface WebsiteCommandParams {
  url: string; // Required. The URL of the webpage to embed.
  scrolling?: 'yes' | 'no'; // Optional. Controls whether the iframe content is scrollable. Default: 'no'.
  css?: string; // Optional. Custom CSS styles applied to the iframe.
  displayAvatar?: boolean; // Optional. If true, a default avatar is displayed alongside the iframe. Default: false.

Example Command


  • The iframe is rendered within the web chat interface and adheres to the provided styles and parameters.
  • If scrolling is set to 'yes', the iframe will include scrollbars; otherwise, it will not.
  • If displayAvatar is true, a default avatar image is shown next to the iframe. If false or omitted, no avatar is displayed.
  • Custom CSS can be applied via the css field to control the iframe's appearance.