Chat launcher script Link
<script src="https://cdn.sentione.com/chat-ui-launcher/chat.1.5.2.js"></script>
Fields in configuration object
Field name (* - required) | Type | Description | Example value |
chatSrc * | string | URL: https://webchat.**ENV**.chatbots.sentione.com/fullscreen | https://webchat.pre-stage.chatbots.sentione.com/fullscreen |
projectId * | string | Project id | |
appearance | object | Object to set up appearance of the webchat | appearance: { headerTitle: "Sentione chat", avatar: { src: '<https://cdn.sentione.com/chat-ui-launcher/avatars/avatar-male.png> ', showNearBubble: true, showInHeader: false, }, }, |
appearance.headerTitle | string | User will see it in header | headerTitle: "Sentione chat", |
appearance.avatar | object | Object to config avatar | avatar: { src: '<https://cdn.sentione.com/chat-ui-launcher/avatars/avatar-male.png> ', showNearBubble: true, showInHeader: false, }, |
appearance.avatar.src | string | Url to custom avatar | |
appearance.avatar.showNearBubble | boolean | Display setting of the avatar near to message bubble | |
appearance.avatar.showInHeader | boolean | Display setting of the avatar in chat header | |
appearance.inputPlaceholder | string | Placeholder of the input | inputPlaceholder: "Type something...", |
appearance.styles | object | Object to setup custom styles of webchat | styles: { url: '\<https\://cdn.sentione.com/chat-ui-launcher/themes/dark-blue.css> ', themeColor: 'red' }``` |
appearance.styles.url | string | Url to custom stylesheet | styles: { url: '\<https\://cdn.sentione.com/chat-ui-launcher/themes/dark-blue.css> ', }``` |
appearance.styles.customCss | string | Custom css rules | styles: { customCss: '.chat-header__title {color: red;}', } |
appearance.styles.themeColor | string | Main color of webchat | styles: { themeColor: 'red', } |
autoStart | object or number | Field to setup auto open chat behavior. - no field or -1 - chat will stay closed until user click to open manually - 0 - chat will open automatically - above 0 - chat will open after defined time | autoStart: { delayTime: 2000, }, ```or `autoStart: 2000` |
autoStart.delayTime | number | Time to delay automatically open chat | autoStart: 2000 |
author | string | Name of the user, this value will be visible in Conversation analytics | author: 'John Doe', |
sessionId | string | Field to continue already started conversation | |
sourceType | string | Field to mark conversation with custom source name. Value will be visible in conversation analytics | sourceType: "SentiOne-chat", |
initialMessage | object | Object to set up initial message. Thanks to it, bot can start from specific block | initialMessage: { text: "", extraData: { process: "process_name" }, }, ``` |
initialMessage.text | string | Initial message that will be sent to bot to start conversation | text: Say hello" |
initialMessage.extraData | object | Initial extraData that will be sent to bot to start conversation | extraData: { process: "process_name" } |
onOpenChat | function | Callback function | onOpenChat: () => { console.log('Chat is open'); }``` |
onCloseChat | function | Callback function | onCloseChat: () => { console.log('Chat is closed'); }``` |
onInitializedChat | function | Callback function | onInitializedChat: () => { console.log('Chat is initialized'); }``` |
onOpeningButtonClick | function | Callback function | onOpeningButtonClick: () => { console.log('User clicked to open chat'); }``` |
onMessageSent | function | Callback function called after send Message by user | onMessageSent: (userMessage) => { console.log('User send:' + userMessage); }``` |
onMessageReceived | function | Callback function called after send Message by user | onMessageReceived: (messageReceived) => { console.log('Bot said:' + messageReceived.responses[0].text); } |
Live example
Updated over 2 years ago