Built-in entities

Automate provides common built-in entities, called system entities or sys.entities.

System entities vary by language and it is important to understand which system entities are in use and how they behave.

System entities capture common variables in user phrases, such as name, location and times.

See the below tables for a detailed breakdown by language.

To access system entities in your flow use nlu.variables.variable_name. You can find variable names in NLU module in Analyze box.

🇵🇱 Polish

List of built-in entities for the polish language:

Entity nameDescriptionExamples
sys.ForenameForename or first nameAnia, Andrzej, Miłosz, Czesław
sys.SurnameSurname/last nameKowalski, Nowak, Tomaszewski, Zięba
sys.EmailE-mail addressesiga@gmail.com, elon@musk.com
sys.CountryCountry namesPolska, Niemcy, USA
sys.LocalizationNon-countries/cities locations, mountain ranges, bodies of water.Wisła, Tatry, bałtyckie
sys.NumeralNumbers in both numeral and alphabetic form2, 13, dwanaście
sys.OrdinalOrdinal number: “first”, “second”, etc.trzeci, czwarty, dziesiąty
sys.DigitSequenceSequence of digits1 7 3 4 2, jeden dwa pięć
sys.PhoneNumberPhone numbers882840253, +48882840253, +44791112345, +48566864455
sys.TimeTimes and dates8:33, piętnaście po piątej, dwunasta godzina
sys.DurationDuration of time21 minut, pół godziny, 3 dni
sys.SettlementCities and villagesWarszawa, Londyn, Chełmno
sys.OrganizationCompanies, agencies, institutions, etc.EU, NATO, ONZ
sys.UrlURL addresseswww.sentione.com
sys.AmountOfMoneyAmount of money (returns: numeral value and currency id)100 zł, $100, 200 euro, 99 AED


Please note that entity names are not always compatible!

  • sys.Forename, sys.Surname is available only in Polish, whereas in other languages there is sys.Person
  • Definition of sys.Localization is broader in non Polish NLUs - sys.Country, sys.Settlement is exclusive only for Polish NLU


sys.Time returns multiple values

Due to the fact that providing time is ambiguous when presenting it as datetime we provide possible values.

  • value - returns first possible matching time in the future
  • values - returns list of 3 elements, where 1st element is first possible matching time in the past, 2nd and 3rd contains following possible matching time in the future

Please use NLU tester to check what dates will be returned for expected user utterances

🇬🇧 English

List of built-in entities for the English language:

Entity nameDescriptionExamples
sys.PersonPeople, including fictional
Full names, first names and last names
Harry Potter, James Bond, John Doe
sys.EmailE-mail addressesjohn@gmail.com, elon@musk.com
sys.LocalizationAll geographic namesElbe, Pyrenees, Baltic Sea
sys.NumeralNumbers in both numeral and alphabetic form3, 12, twelve
sys.DigitSequenceSequence of digits1 7 3 4 2, five two twenty
sys.OrdinalOrdinal number: “first”, “second”, etc.third, tenth
sys.PhoneNumberPhone numbers882840253, +48882840253, +44791112345, +48566864455
sys.TimeTimes and dates5 o'clock, 5:50 AM, 5:50
sys.DurationDuration of timehalf an hour, three days, 21 minutes, 60 sec
sys.OrganizationCompanies, agencies, institutions, etc.EU, NATO, ONZ
sys.UrlURL addresseswww.sentione.com
sys.AmountOfMoneyAmount of money (returns: numeral value and currency id)100 zł, $100, 200 euro, 99 AED

🇪🇺 Multilingual projects

The multilingual projects currently use English entities for sys.Ordinal, sys.Time, sys.Duration. For sys.Person, sys.Localization, sys.Organization following languages are supported: Arabic, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Latvian, Dutch, Portuguese and Chinese

Entity nameDescriptionExamples
sys.PersonPeople, including fictional
Full names, first names and last names
Harry Potter, James Bond, John Doe
sys.EmailE-mail addressjohn@gmail.com, elon@musk.com
sys.LocalizationAll geographic namesElbe, Pyrenees, Baltic Sea
sys.NumeralNumbers in both numeral and alphabetic form3, 12, twelve
sys.DigitSequenceSequence of digits1 7 3 4 2, five two twenty
sys.OrdinalOrdinal number: “first”, “second”, etc.third, tenth
sys.PhoneNumberPhone numbers882840253, +48882840253, +44791112345, +48566864455
sys.TimeTimes and dates5 o'clock, 5:50 AM, 5:50
sys.DurationDuration of timehalf an hour, three days, 21 minutes, 60 sec
sys.OrganizationCompanies, agencies, institutions, etc.EU, NATO, ONZ
sys.UrlURL addresseswww.sentione.com
sys.AmountOfMoneyAmount of money (returns: numeral value and currency id)100 zł, $100, 200 euro, 99 AED

🇩🇪 German

List of built-in entities for the German language:

Entity nameDescriptionExamples
sys.PersonPeople, including fictional
Full names, first names and last names
Olaf Scholz, Jürgen Klopp, Ludwig van Beethoven
sys.EmailE-mail addressesjohn@gmail.com, elon@musk.com
sys.LocalizationAll geographic namesWeichsel, Pyrenäen, Ostsee, Polen, Wolfsburg
sys.NumeralNumbers in both numeral and alphabetic form3, 12, zwölf
sys.DigitSequenceSequence of digits1 7 3 4 2, fünf zwei zwanzig
sys.OrdinalOrdinal number: “first”, “second”, etc.dritter, zehnter
sys.PhoneNumberPhone numbers882840253, +48882840253, +44791112345, +48566864455
sys.TimeTimes and dates5 Uhr, 5:50 Uhr, 5:19
sys.DurationDuration of time2 Stunden, drei Tage, 21 Minuten, 60 Sekunden
sys.OrganizationCompanies, agencies, institutions, etc.EU, NATO, AfD
sys.UrlURL addresseswww.sentione.com
sys.AmountOfMoneyAmount of money (returns: numeral value and currency id)100 zł, $100, 200 euro, 99 AED

☪ Arabic

List of built-in entities for the Arabic language:

Entity nameDescriptionExamples
sys.PersonPeople, including fictional
Full names, first names and last names
دونالد ترامب، جيمس بوند، جون دو
sys.EmailE-mail addressesjohn@gmail.com, elon@musk.com
sys.LocalizationAll geographic namesألمانيا، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، بحر البلطيق، شبه الجزيرة العربية
sys.NumeralNumbers in both numeral and alphabetic form3, 12, اثني عشر
sys.DigitSequenceSequence of digits1 7 3 4 2, خمسة وعشرون
sys.OrdinalOrdinal number: “first”, “second”, etc.الثالث والعاشر
sys.PhoneNumberPhone numbers882840253, +48882840253, +44791112345, +48566864455
sys.TimeTimes and datesالساعة 5، 5:50 صباحًا، 5:19
sys.DurationDuration of timeنصف ساعة وثلاثة أيام و21 دقيقة و60 ثانية
sys.OrganizationCompanies, agencies, institutions, etc.الاتحاد الأوروبي، حلف شمال الأطلسي، الأمم المتحدة
sys.UrlURL addresseswww.sentione.com
sys.AmountOfMoneyAmount of money (returns: numeral value and currency id)100 zł, $100, 200 euro, 99 AED