Operators are symbols (or keywords) that indicate various kinds of operations. Operators can be used in AEL expressions, both in Responses and input fields (eg. Memory).
The following list contains three types of operators:
- Arithmetic operators perform mathematical operations on numbers. Their results are numbers.
- Comparison operators compare values with each other. Their results are booleans (
). - Logical operators connect expressions which results are booleans. Their results are also booleans (
List of operators
Arithmetic operators
Arithmetic operators perform mathematical operations on numbers. These numbers are called operands. Operands can be literal numbers (eg. 5
, 0
, 1.5
, 319
) or numbers stored as variables (eg. memory.someSavedNumber
, nlu.variables.numeral.value
The following table contains all of the arithmetic operators:
Operator | Description |
+ | Addition. For example, 5 + 4 will return 9 |
- | Subtraction. For example, 5 - 4 will return 1 |
* | Multiplication. For example, 5 * 4 will return 20 |
/ | Division. For example, 5 / 4 will return 1.25 |
% | Modulus (remainder). For example, 5 % 4 will return 1 |
Sequence of operations
You can perform multiple mathematical operations at once. Normal rules of sequence of operations apply. You can use brackets ()
to change the sequence of operations, eg. (memory.numberOfCases + 1) * 5
1 + 5 * 2
(1 + 5) * 2
//memory.numberOfCases = 3
//nlu.variables.numeral.value = 15:
(memory.numberOfCases + 1) * nlu.variables.numeral.value
Comparison operators
Comparison operators compare two values with each other. Their result is always a bollean (true
or false
), based on if the comparison is true.
For example, 1 = 3
will return false
, and 3 > 1
will return true
The following table contains all of the comparison operators:
Operator | Description |
= | Equality operator. Compares the equality of two operands of the same type. Returns true if they are identical, and false if not. You can compare the two values of each of the following data types: numbers, strings, dates, arrays and objects. |
!= | Inequality operator. Compares inequality of two operands. It will return false where = would return true . You can compare the two values of each of the following data types: numbers, strings, dates, arrays and objects. |
> | Greater than. Returns a boolean value true if the left-side value is greater than the right-side value; otherwise, returns false . You can compare the two values of each of the following data types: numbers, dates. |
< | Less than.Returns a boolean value true if the left-side value is less than the right-side value; otherwise, returns false . You can compare the two values of each of the following data types: numbers, dates. |
>= | Greater than or equal. Returns a boolean value true if the left-side value is greater than or equal to the right-side value; otherwise, returns false . You can compare the two values of each of the following data types: numbers, dates. |
<= | Less than or equal. Returns a boolean value true if the left-side value is less than or equal to the right-side value; otherwise, returns false . You can compare the two values of each of the following data types: numbers, dates. |
1 = 2
22.4 > 4
5 <= 700
"Pam Beasley" = "Pam Halpert"
"Oscar Martinez" = "Oscar Martinez"
system.currentTime > "1992-10-10".toDateTime()
system.currentTime.plusDays(3) < system.currentTime
system.currentTime.plusMinutes(60) > system.currentTime
[1,2,3] = [1,2,3]
{"name": "Jim", "surname": "Halpert"} = {"name": "Jim"}
{"n": 1} = {"n": 1}
Comparing values stored as variables
You can compare literal values (eg. 1 > 2
) as well as values stored as variables (eg. system.userInput = 'hello'
//memory.numberOfCases = 3
//nlu.variables.numeral.value = 2
memory.numberOfCases >= nlu.variables.numeral.value
//system.userInput = "Michael"
//memory.name = "Michael"
//memory.surname = "Scott"
system.userInput = memory.surname
system.userInput = memory.name
Logical operators
Logical operators and
and or
are used to connect two or more expressions.
The result of each of the connected expressions has to be a boolean (true
or false
). If any of these expressions does not result in a boolean, such error will appear: Logical operations are only supported by boolean values
The result of using logical operator is always a boolean.
Operator | Description |
and | It results in true if both of the expressions result in true . Otherwise, it results in false . |
or | It results in true if at least one of the expressions results in true . Otherwise, it results in false . |
not | Changes true to false and vice versa, eg. not (5 > 1) will result in false , and not false will result in true . |
true and false
true and 1 > 2
system.userInput = "Michael" and memory.paperAmount = 30
//Result if both are true:
//Result if one of them is false:
//Result if both are false:
true or false
true or 1 > 2
system.userInput = "Michael" or memory.paperAmount = 30
//Result if both are true:
//Result if one of them is false:
//Result if both are false:
not (false)
not (2 > 1)
//for: system.userInput = "Dwight"
not (system.userInput = "Dwight")
Resolving multiple logical operators
When you use multiple logical operators in one expression, they are resolved according to short-circuit evaluation. This means that they are resolved one by one, starting from the first one on the left.
The and
operator has a higher precedence than the or
operator, meaning the and
operator is executed before the or
If the end result is known before resolving all of the expressions connected by and
or or
, the rest of these expressions won't be resolved at all. Thanks to that, you don't need to worry about them causing errors.
true and true and false
true or false or false
false and true or false
nlu.variables.numeral.value > 2 and system.userInput = "Scott" or system.userInput = "Michael"
//Result if all are true:
//memory.numbers = [23, 45]
memory.numbers[2] = 9
//Such expression will throw an error as there is no element of index 2 in the array memory.numbers.
//To avoid this error, you can add another condition before which will check
//if the array has an element of index 2:
memory.numbers.length >= 3 and memory.numbers[2] = 9
You can use brackets ()
to change the order of evaluation of logical operators.
true or false and false or false
(true or false) and (false or false)
Using operators
All operators can be used in any AEL expression. They're mainly used in Responses and Remory input fields. Besides that, logical and comparison operators are also used in dropdowns lists of ondition fields.
Using operators in Responses
In the example below, an expression 1 = 2
contains comparison operator of equality =
. The expression has been added to the response input by using curly brackets {}
. The bot's response will be "false"
as 2
is not equal to 1

Response input

Bot's response
In the next example, an expression if (system.currentTime.getDayOfWeek() = 7) "Sunday" else "not Sunday"
uses comparison operator of equality =
to set a condition for if statement. The expression has beed added to the Response by using curly brackets {}
. The bot's response will be "Today is Sunday." on the seventh day of the week and "Today is not Sunday." on any other day.

Response input

Bot's response
In the example below, the subtraction operator -
is used to define memory value memory.available_rooms
by substracting the number of bookings received from the number of total available rooms.

And then, adding the expression {memory.available_rooms}
in the response, where available_rooms
is the key name of the result value of the subtraction, prints the result 1
as the bot's response.

Using operators in Memory values
In the example below, a result of memory.userInputIsEmpty
will be true
if the user's input is empty, and false
if it's not. In Memory value inputs, we don't need to add curly brackets {}
to use AEL.

Memory input
Logical and comparison operators in conditions fields
Besides AEL expressions, comparison and logical operators are also used in condition fields of Outputs and Conditional responses. Learn more about condition fields.

The first condition's operator checks if the intent equals (correspond to) "confirmation", whereas the second condition's operator checks if the intent score is grater than or equal to 0.6.
Updated over 1 year ago
Learn more about setting up conditions in AEL as well as in dedicated input fields on Conditions page.