Chat launcher script Link

<script src=""></script>

New fields in configuration object

Field name (* - required)TypeDescriptionExample value
languagestring ('en' | 'pl')Language to use by default, this is mostly important when errors occur (for example message can't be sent)'en'
appearance.iconsobjectObject to configure webchat's icons
appearance.icons.openButtonIconstring (URL or base64)Icon will be displayed in circle to open/close webchat
appearance.icons.closeButtonIconstring (URL or base64)Icon will be displayed in circle to open/close webchat
appearance.icons.minimizeButtonIconstring (URL or base64)Icon will be displayed in webchat's header to minimize webchat and in circle to open/close webchat
appearance.icons.activeSendMessageButtonIconstring (URL or base64)Icon will be displayed in webchat's input when user write sth in it
appearance.icons.disabledSendMessageButtonIconstring (URL or base64)Icon will be displayed in webchat's input when is empty

Live example