Pod Resources configuration
Predefined environment sizes
We distinguish 4 predefined sizes depending on concurrent users talking to the bot and/or the total amount of conversations. Actual values may be fluent and are revised periodically.
- XS - max 70 concurrent users, <10k monthly conversations
- S - max 500 concurrent users, <100k monthly conversations
- M - max 550 concurrent users, <200k monthly conversations
- L - max 800 concurrent users, <600k monthly conversations (we advise scaling all pods x2, especially main path: gateway, dialogs, nlu-pipeline)
For concurrent users, we assume that every user, on average, is sending 1 message to the bot per 10 seconds. This means that the requests/seconds parameter is 1/10 of the concurrent users.
For numbers bigger than L individual tests and estimations will be needed to provide the best possible service.
Updated 6 months ago